Kathy is available to speak on a variety of subjects connected with her work. Recent presentations include: • Shaping the City for Health, Equity, Community & Place, Charlottesville Albemarle NAACP (2019), Charlottesville, VA • Form Based Codes & Equity, APA & CNU Conferences (2019), Maryland and Kentucky • Healthy Eating, Active Living (HEAL), Virginia Municipal League (VML) … SEE MORE... about Public Speaking
Main Content
Creating Sustainable, Equitable, Authentic Places for All People at All Scales
PLANS, CODES, ARCHITECTURE & POLICIES for Communities, Neighborhoods, Streets, Blocks & Lots
Local governments and regional planning commissions work with their communities to create the broad vision plans and implementation guidelines needed to address economic, social and environmental challenges, while maximizing opportunities. A compelling vision for the future that demonstrates how our communities can evolve more sustainably, equitably and authentically over time can however, inspire the political will and investments needed to turn aspirational goals into action plans for change. LEARN MORE…
Developers build the places within which we live, learn, work and play, based on rules administered by government known as zoning codes. If we want neighborhoods where all people can thrive regardless of age or income and not at the expense of Mother Nature or the best of our built legacy, then these blueprints and codes have to be in sync with a community-wide vision for authenticity, equity and sustainability. LEARN MORE…
Property owners in America have an absolute right to the use of their land, subject to local codes and state laws. With the right design, development and construction practices however, they also have a chance to be good stewards and good neighbors, with every infill development, addition and adaptive reuse project they undertake. LEARN MORE…
Local and state leaders have the power to: lessen our dependency on fossil fuels; safeguard our watersheds and forested areas that sequester carbon from sprawl; and foster more just, healthy and inclusive communities. They just have to pass the laws, fund the budgets and execute the policies that: make our streets safe for all users; repurpose our auto-oriented landscapes into walkable neighborhoods for all ages and incomes; and invest in more affordable housing, wealth building programs, transit, and parks especially for Black and Brown communities. Galvin Architects has the skills and experience to advise leaders, on how to turn progressive policy ideas into legislative action that lead to actual concrete change on the ground.
Kathy’s Public Speaking
About Kathy Galvin

My entire career as a professional registered architect, urban designer, planner and elected official has been focused on creating sustainable, equitable and authentic places for all people, across all generations (or what Gil Penalosa calls, “8 80 Cities.”) If we are to … MORE ABOUT KATHY… about About Kathy Galvin, Architect
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