Residents of Friendship Court (an assisted housing community), Piedmont Housing Alliance (owner) and Grimm and Parker (architect) created a plan (in keeping with the Strategic Investment Area (SIA) public space standards for development) for replacing and retaining all 150 existing Section 8 units while adding 300 new units, affordable to a range of low to moderate household income levels and an early childhood development center.
Kathleen Galvin served as a City Councilor on the resident-led Friendship Court Advisory Committee and continues to serve as a citizen architect. This redevelopment project has received state and local funding for phase one as well as an on-site economic opportunity coordinator.
“We commit to ZERO DISPLACEMENT. We will pursue a broad range of wealth-building and educational opportunities and support structures including, but not limited to job training, exploring opportunities for worker-owned cooperatives, the development of an early childhood center, and the incubation of resident-owned business initiatives.”
(Friendship Court Resident Advisory Committee)
Images Courtesy of Grimm and Parker